The World's Most Boring Card Game

Yesterday, my daughter and I were playing a game of Old Maid (thankfully, she’s old enough now that we’ve also been playing more interesting games together, such as the awesome Dominion). I commented that Old Maid with two players is rather boring, since the only thing that matters is the last play. It’s just dumb luck whether the person who doesn’t have the Old Maid randomly picks the card at the end. (If you’re not familiar with Old Maid, I won’t bother reproducing the rules here and you can thank me for that sometime.)

Talking about Old Maid’s boringness led us to a much more fun pursuit of inventing other boring card games. I think I hit on what is possibly the world’s most boring card game. It’s also among the simplest to describe:

The deck of cards is placed in the middle of all of the players. The first player to draw a card loses.

I think a good name for this game would be Make It Stop ™, because that would appear to be the point at which the game ends. One player will become bored enough to grab a card just to make the game end.