
  • 2021-04-19
    • As I’ve seen others note, this is a bad name because there’s already a “Flow” in the React ecosystem. Even so, React Flow looks like a very nice set of React Components for building connected node-based UIs.
  • 2020-12-21
    • Arwes lets you create actual sci-fi like UIs for your apps, using React components. If what you want instead is just fun, fake UIs for pretending to do stuff (as they do with Hollywood films), GeenPrank’s Hacker Typer is awesome and fun. There’s also Hacker Typer, which is simpler and lets you put in whatever code you want it to type out. And Hollywood for local typing. Thanks to folks on Twitter for these links.
  • 2020-04-16
    • React has been evolving and the Suspense API has been in the works for some time. The creator of Crank.js has blogged about the idea that led to its creation, which boils down to changing the idea of how “pure” React render functions need to be and how much work can be delegated to the JS engine.